Friday, May 20, 2011

Daily physical activity improves concentration and learning

Sherbrooke, May 16, 2011 - Students calmer, increased concentration and increased predisposition to learning. Here are some observations from an exploratory program of daily physical activity, based at the primary school Écollectif Sherbrooke with the assistance of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport (FEPS), University of Sherbrooke.
Within the Month of physical education and sport students, faculty and Félix Berrigan Sylvain Turcotte of Sherbrooke University unveiled the results of this pilot project implemented by teachers Écollectif. Having collaborated since 2009 to develop and implement the program offering 20 minutes of exercise every morning for all students of the school, two researchers from the FEPS conducted its assessment in recent months by collecting perceptions of children and teachers.

Physical activity predisposes to learning
Classroom teachers of the six classes involved in the project responded unanimously that students were more calm in return for the period of physical activity. Some of them add that students adopt more positive behaviors in the classroom. About the effects of physical activity program on learning skills, most teachers have noticed an increased availability of students for learning and better concentration.
Some said that students had more attention depending on the duration of learning activities and a better understanding of the tasks. Some students were also more efficient as a result of their participation in the program. "These findings are in the same sense that scientific literature tends to show that physical activity would improve certain brain functions and cognition, which predispose students to school learning," explains Professor Félix Berrigan.

Student perceptions
The majority of the sixty students surveyed perceive that the program is beneficial to their learning in class. A major reason is that they evoke the feeling of calm they feel in the classroom after spending power. They also explain that they feel awakened and oxygenated, they have more energy and better concentration. Some have found no difference in the wake of their participation, explaining that they usually do not have trouble concentrating in class.

Ways to implement the long-term program
In light of these results, teachers identified several factors favoring the establishment of long-term project, as the active participation of management and students, the integration program in the schedule of school and training and support teachers. Another element is to make available a list of physical activities to achieve and diverse material.
Researchers at the University of Sherbrooke are currently applying for funding for a study over three years to Écollectif following this exploratory project. In this context, they provide support teachers and classroom teachers of the school so that they develop their capacity for physical activity intervention. This project would also include observation and in-depth analysis of program effects on children, in their motor development, cognitive learning and class participation. "We want to know whether an intervention like this can help develop motor skills and, ultimately, to adopt a healthy lifestyle and active," explains Dr. Sylvain Turcotte, associated with the project since its inception.
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Véronique Comtois, Communications Officer, FEPS
819 821-8000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 819 821-8000 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 819 821-8000 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, poste 65411; Veronique.L.Comtois @

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